How does it work?

Have a look at our job offers

Job offers everywhere in France and all around the world, in any type of industry.

Recommend your network

We all have someone trustworthy to recommend in our network (ex-colleagues, family, friends…)

Earn a €700 bonus

You could also donate your bonus or a part of it to our sponsored charity organizations.
Are you the ideal co-opter?
- Do you know trustworthy people looking for a new challenging job opportunity?
- Do you have a wide network?
- Would you like to have a glass of champagne with the co-founders?

It is time to become a co-opter!
- Join an influent network based on trust and recommendation.
- Help your relatives to have a new start in their career.
- Get a €700 bonus for each successful recommendation.
- Get involved in our events and get to know each others.

Are you recruiting?
You shall lower your costs and save your precious time thanks to our participative recruitment!
Publish your first job offer! Public your1st job offer!
Our sponsored charity organizations
Support our sponsored charity organizations by giving them all or a part of your bonus.
COOP-TIME is on everyone's lips
The first collaborative recruitment platform of business executives operating primarly by recommendation. Our network includes more than 50,000 active co-opters in France and abroad.
Our team thoroughly considers each recommendation in order to select only the best candidates for your company.
Our motto: recruiting is good, coopting is better!
BFM Business : Start-up & co
Start-up & Co : Coop-Time, le premier réseau social dédié au recrutement des cadres par BFM Business
- L’USINE DIGITALE : Les 50 pépites du recrutement, COOP-TIME développe la cooptation en ligne
- EXCLUSIVE RH : Interview de Aurore CRESPIN - La cooptation est un vecteur de recrutement efficace, rassurant et pérenne.
- PRESSMYWEB : Comment fonctionne le recrutement collaboratif avec COOP-TIME ?
- METIERS DU NUMERIQUE : Que représente la cooptation dans les embauches ?