Recruiting is good, recommandation is better!
Hire with COOP-TIME!
The best candidates
within the best lapse of time
Our co-opters recommend the best profils of their network, based on your criterias. Then they are evaluated by the COOP-TIME team before submission to our clients. The best applications are sent to you within 7 days from the date the offer has been published on the website.
A wide geographic implementation
Our network includes more than 50,000 co-opters. They are actively co-opting in France and abroad. They come from various industries: IT, digital, bank, insurance, real estate...
A strong commitment
Our system is based on trust and human values. When they join our network, the co-opters agree with our quality charter. They are rewarded with bonus when they are successful.
5 key steps for a successful recruitement
On line job offer within 24h on our website
Broadcasting your job offer to our network
Analysis and selection of the resumes by our team
Individual interview and report
Automatic check of the references
We find the best candidate for you
To sum up
Discovery of new pools of candidates
Reduction of yours expenses
Quality of the applications
Commitment of the co-opters and co-opted candidates